ACVIM Endorsed IDEXX Content

ACVIM and IDEXX have partnered to provide free educational offerings for ACVIM Residents.

This partnership with IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. is aimed at providing complimentary, educational resources to ACVIM residents, providing the foundational tools to help residents become stronger practitioners. This partnership ensures access to high-quality content, evaluated and endorsed by ACVIM, that meets the standards of scientific accuracy and professional relevance for our specialists in training. Through this collaboration, both ACVIM and IDEXX are working together to shape the future of veterinary care by equipping residents with the tools and knowledge needed to provide exceptional service to patients and clients.
In this initial endorsement, ACVIM endorses the following content areas:
- Endocrinology: This course includes the following lessons: The Adrenal Gland, The Endocrine Process, The Parathyroid, The Pituitary and The Thyroid.
- Feline Health Topics and Updates (Provided by ISFM): This course includes the following lessons: FIP: Diagnosis Updates and FIP: Treatment Updates.
- Renal and Urinary Physiology: This course includes the following lessons in the required learning folder: Overview and Anatomy Kidney, The Glomerulus and Glomerular Filtration, Tubular Reabsorption and Secretion, The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Erythropoietin, Acid Base and the Kidney, Mineral Homeostasis and the Kidney, Renal and Urinary Pathophysiology. In the additional key learning folder, the following are included: 2 Case-Based sessions on Urinary Renal Physiology, Renal Imaging, Renal System Pathology, Ureteral Obstructions: Interventional Management, Veterinary Interventional Endoscopy: A New Way of "looking" at things.
To access these complimentary resources, please follow the steps below:
- Create an account on Springboard powered by IDEXX and VetBloom by clicking here.
- Follow the prompts on the registration page, then navigate to your email inbox to activate your account.
- Once in SpringBoard, click the content tab at the top of the page. From there, click the SpringBoard folder.
- All folders are available to residents at no cost. At this time, the ACVIM endorses the Endocrine folder, Feline Health Topics & Updates (Provided by ISFM) and Renal and Urinary Physiology.
For a visual reference guide for SpringBoard registration and navigation to ACVIM endorsed content, please click here.